Mosley family

Jhon, Kim, Caleb and Asher

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

So Far So Good

Peanut is doing well! I went to the doctor last week, got the confirmation that I am pregnant. He did some exams and said everything looks good. He sent me to do a blood test. I got the results yesterday. All my levels are good, I am keeping my iron in the normal range, and the HCG count is good. I have my first ultrasound to hear the heart next Tuesday. The doctor said he can say he would be 90% sure Peanut will be fine if he hears the heart then! I can't wait!
Things are great. I am just really, really hungry all the time. So far, that is it!


deesha said...

Wow! My due date was Sept. 12! Although Claire decided to come on the 4th. I hope you survive the summer heat in Vegas okay!

Lizzy said...

Congratulations Kim! I am so happy for you and Jhon!

Day Family Blog said...

I'm glad that you got to go to the Dr already. Can't wait for you to hear the heartbeat, that is the greatest sound in the world.

Tim and Shay said...

YAY! That's good to hear! I'm happy for you!