Mosley family

Jhon, Kim, Caleb and Asher

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Announcing Caleb Bruce Mosley

He is here!!!!!!!!!!!

Caleb was born at 11:33 am on Saturday, September 5th. We had the date scheduled for a c-section. Many questioned why I was doing that, but my dr. and I considered the risks with the predicted high weight and decided on it. All along, as soon as we decided, I felt really good about it. Also, I found out BYU was playing Oklahoma, ranked #3 on the scheduled date. I found out if it would be on, and what time. I told Jhon that Caleb was going to play for them one day, so they were going to win for him on his birthday.

The c-section went well, but it was still difficult due to Caleb's large shoulders, torso, and head. The doctors were still had to work hard to get that boy out! Then the dr. discovered a knot in his cord. We have discussed that in labor that could have tightened and he could have gone into distress or worse, especially while trying to naturally get out those large shoulders. So I felt really glad we had done the c-section and knew that I had been prompted to make the right choice! Even though EVERYONE questioned why I was having a c-section.

Caleb was 9 pounds even and 19.5 inches. So not too long yet, all bulk on that frame! All the nurses, doctors, and everyone checking him out say he looks 2-3 months old! My parents think so too! We are fortunate that they could come.

Caleb is a wonderful baby! He is very calm, eats well. A pediatrician came and said he looks great. His hearing is great. He is very alert, and is already smiling for mama!!! They all come and do their temp checks or other exams and he just lays there calmly. They are surprised because they say most babies fuss at them!

I feel so blessed to have him and can tell he is a special spirit!!! He is our miracle baby!!! I am going to get some pics of us together today. yesterday I had oxygen tubes and IV tubes and was a mess, but today I am off all that so we will get some more pics!

And we did get to watch the game and what do you know!! BYU pulled off the upset and beat Oklahoma! So Caleb did get a present from BYU for his birthday or he was lucky charm for them!!!


AMY said...

Congratulations Kim! He is a beautiful baby boy!!!

Dallings said...

My fav is the second photo. All cute though. Sweet mohawk! He sounds like an angel.

Jayson Michael West said...

He is soooo cute!!! He's the healthiest looking baby I've ever seen. I can't wait to meet him. Hope you're feeling all right and recovering well. Love ya!!!

Megann said...

Hooray for new babies! Congratulations, Jhon and Kim!!

Rex and Paula said...

he is absolutely beautiful! i can see why you can't get enough of him. i hope you are doing well. take care of yourself. love ya.

Day Family Blog said...

Yay he is here! Such a big boy! He looks so cute and your are right he doesn't look like a newborn. I can't believe that it was hard to get him out even with a c-section. Good thing you went that way. I am so excited for you mama! You will be a wonderful mommy.

Dansie Family said...

congrats!!! what a darling baby and thanks for the lucky charm. that was a great game.