Caleb has been doing all kinds of new things! Growing way too fast for momma!!!
He loves grabbing his feet and playing with his toes. He is pushing himself way up on his tummy instead of laying flat and whining during tummy time. He is babbling like crazy. And he has laughed a couple of times. I had to buy him 6-18 month socks and they are already plenty tight. He is wearing 6 month clothes and 9 month clothes. I weighed myself, then did it holding him. 18 pounds. He isn't even 3.5 months yet. Slow down on the growing Bub!!!!
Mosley family
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Growing too fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Caleb and I drove to UT with mom on Friday and then flew back on Monday. We got to go to the Oscarson family Christmas party, my first in MANY years! Emily and her wonderful family were there. So Caleb got to meet 3 cousins. It was just a fabulous weekend that I didn't want to end!!! Next weekend we will have Solomon with us and head to UT, so Caleb will be meeting his brother and other 5 cousins. Nathan and Lona will be in AZ. I will FINALLY meet Maddie Sue! YEAH!
cousins and great grandmanot impressed with Santa??? he has sat on 4 Santas' laps so far!
Bub loves Uncle David!
With Tristin
We had fun in the snow
Claire and Bub
Got his first hair trim
so half of us did the silly face...
Caleb's first snow!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thanksgiving- 11 Weeks
Jhon had to leave for work at 1, so Caleb and I had two Thanksgivings with friends! They saw on Facebook that Caleb and I would be alone most of the day, so they invited us over. Angela, one of my "sisters" from work had us over. Their food was wonderful! Then we went to April's house. Jhon was able to join us later in the evening there. So I got to have 2 dinners with no cooking! I bought a bag of rolls.
Caleb is doing well. He was having some acid reflux issues and acted as if he was in pain for a few days. I had been forgetting his probiotics. Went back to them and the problems disappeared. He is doing great holding his head up. He has got to be strong to hold up his giant 90+ percentile head! He must have a big brain in there! I joke that he must be right brained, I think it is heavier on that side since he leans it that way most often! This picture and the next 3 are of Caleb very EARLY one morning. It was a day Jhon and I both had to work, and I was on Caleb duty. He has
had a habit of waking up at 4 or 5, WIDE AWAKE. I put him in the swing and was talking to him. I asked him if he thought his momma didn't need sleep. He started grinning like this.These are after I got him dressed. I said, so you think it is funny that momma isn't getting any sleep, and he kept on laughing. Thanks son!
This is him in the onesie now.
This was him in the same onesie back when he was just a few weeks old!
April's daughter Brooklyn started feeding Caleb
Loving the Bumbo
The Baby's First Thanksgiving onesie I bought on clearance in Jan. when I found out I was expecting.
Today Caleb is 12 weeks old. I wanted some pics of him in his diaper so show his cute chubbiness!Chunky monkey!
Smiling as he falls over!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
10 Weeks
Caleb is "talking" up a storm these days. His favorite word is goooo. He makes so many noises. He loves his playmat with music and a flashing sun that changes colors. He kicks and squeals for so long. He loves it.
Going to work has been an adjustment. It is so great that Jhon gets to stay home with the baby on Mondays and Tuesdays. Our babysitter is wonderful. He is always so happy when I pick him up. They said today he was on the playmat with their baby girl and they were holding hands for awhile. Being back at work hasn't been as bad as I was expecting.
And just when I think Caleb can't get any cuter, I get pictures like these!!
So sweet
Little turkey!First time in Bumbo seat
This smile always makes me smile!
My little Peanut
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
9 weeks
Baby Blessing
Caleb was blessed on Sunday, the 8th of November. Mom and Dad were able to come for the weekend. We had a great time! Jhon did a great job. It was sweet seeing him and Caleb looking at each other after wards as Jhon held him. Caleb was holding on to Jhon's finger so tight. My friend Sylvette also came. Caleb wore the same blessing outfit that his cousins Jacob, Dwight, Ammon, Preston, and Rhett wore. My mom bought it in Belgium, and it is special that all the boys have worn it!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Bub's First Halloween- 8 Weeks
For some reason I have started calling my son Bub, and various variations such as Bubba, BubBub and Bubs. So when you see these names, I am talking about Caleb! I try to still call him Caleb several times a day so he doesn't grow up thinking his name is Bub.
Caleb turned 8 weeks old on Halloween. He is doing great, growing healthy and strong. As you can see from earlier posts, he is a smiler. Bub smiles at me all day long. First thing in the morning he smiles for several minutes straight. I make goofy smiles and faces and he tries to copy them. It is hilarious!!! Right now even, he is laying by me on the couch, laughing, smiling, and kicking away. He really only fusses when really tired or really hungry. Oh, also when he doesn't like me trying to dress him and it is taking too long!
He has started sucking on his whole fist. We thought this might mean he was hungry, but he doesn't always eat when we feed him after he is ferociously sucking on his fist. Also, when he does get mad at me he snorts while he cries. It is so cute! He will snort 3 or 4 times in a row.He loves to "talk" to me. We have long conversations of me repeating back to him all the sounds he makes.
For Halloween we went to our ward's trunk or treat. We didn't get any candy of course, but walked around seeing everyone's costumes and showing off Caleb's costume. He slept the whole time. Then we went to a Halloween party. Our friend the Richards and the Woods were there. We also made some new friends. Caleb did great. He is calm and happy. He also went with me to a Halloween party at the Garrards for several hours and was wonderful.trunk or treat
scary lion
party fun
with britni aka Mary Poppins